Wednesday, March 23, 2011

To Live is Christ

Author: Beth Moore
Publisher: Lifeway
Format: DVD
Lessons: 10 sessions

To Live Is Christ: The Life and Ministry of Paul provides a personal study experience five days a week plus viewer guides for the group video sessions of this in-depth women's Bible study on the life and ministry of Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles. Paul served faithfully, loved heartily, and demonstrated what it means to die daily, crucified with Jesus Christ. Join Beth Moore in a journey to discover a greater appreciation for his unflagging faith and undying devotion to servanthood.

1 comment:

Chris Worthy said...

“To Live is Christ” by Beth Moore is a ten week study of the life of Paul, from his early, very traditional life to his dramatic conversion and journey to preach the Gospel, and ultimately, to his death. Each week details a portion of Paul’s lengthy journey, both literal and figurative, in his growth from an angry, legalistic man to one set solely on knowing Christ, no matter the cost.
The study guide includes five days of homework each week. During our group’s study, we used only the study guide and the accompanying DVD lessons, but an in-depth book is also available. Each DVD lesson draws upon the week’s homework, focusing Paul’s message in a relevant way for women. The goal throughout the study is to grow in the love and knowledge of Christ, going from “gnosis” (the present and fragmentary knowledge of Christ we can have in this life) to “epignosis” (the clear, exact and full knowledge of Him we will one day attain).
Paul’s post-conversion life of obedience was predicated on his willingness to do whatever Christ called him to do, as evidenced by his declaration in Philippians 3:8: “Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ.”
I highly recommend this study for any women’s group wishing to experience a deeper intimacy with Christ, but be ready to embrace the daily homework. It is worth the effort. The DVD lessons are exceptional. Beth offers so much insight in addition to what is included in the daily readings. This is one of Beth’s early studies, but you will quickly grow accustomed to the VHS-to-DVD conversion quality and her big hair and prairie skirts. After our giggles over the 80s flashbacks each week, we all went on to be inspired and challenged by her teachings and certainly by those of Paul.
-- Chris Worthy