Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Truth Project

Author: Dr. Del Tackett
Publisher: Focus on the Family
Video: DVD
Lessons: 11 Sessions

The Truth Project is a DVD-based small group curriculum comprised of 12 one-hour lessons taught by Dr. Del Tackett. This home study is the starting point for looking at life from a biblical perspective. Each lesson discusses in great detail the relevance and importance of living the Christian worldview in daily life.
We believe this one project represents the possibility for exponential change within the body of Christ, as we expect that thousands will be transformed by this curriculum. As it has been throughout history, God continues to call ordinary people to make an eternal difference in our world.

PLEASE NOTE: The Truth Project must be directed by a trained facilitator. This is also available as a BrookwoodU class:

For more information:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our small group just finished this study. It is kind of deep and makes you really search your heart, motives and self. Great teacher. Very easy to lead and use in a small group. Lots of help online if you want but really not needed. When each session is over the group needs a few minutes to process but then active participation and group discussion happens. Our group loved it and some are buying the series to have to watch again. Very powerful expecially towards the end. It does build and gets better each week. The Zeller Group